This assignment coincides with the 100th Anniversary of the Bauhaus, an event that stemmed from the association of considerable partners, mostly in Germany but also abroad, who gathered to create together a global event surrounding the history and the legacy of the Bauhaus. This is the movement that will serve as a background for this semester’s project. In this assignment, you will be asked to survey the activities of the centenary and collect information with the goal of organizing a coherent series of already existing events, that you will advertize in a poster.
(The Bauhaus Association 2019 is a group of many contributors working in close cooperation, including the three Bauhaus institutions that maintain collections – in Berlin, Dessau and Weimar – along with the German Federal Government, represented by the Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM) and the Federal Cultural Foundation under her mandate, and ten German states.)(source)
Research on the Bauhaus’ history and this year’s centenary in order to find correlations between how the contemporary world looks back on the Bauhaus, and possibly how it interprets it now;
Start thinking about a possible timeline of events that are together coherent, explain your selection in a presentation. (You can think of applying a theme to your series, if it helps narrowing down your research);
Your presentation should not exceed 7 minutes and be less than 5, you will present in teams of 2, dividing presentation time in 2, the presentation will be in Chinese;
Your presentation should have very few words and be mostly made of images, a sense of timeline should be clearly visible;
State clearly all the details surrounding the event, pretend you are announcing officially this event to us, don’t make this boring;
Still while researching, start the design conception your poster;
You will have around 5 weeks to design your poster;
A projected poster: time, light, movement, effects, transitions;
— The poster should display a series of events
— The work should be visually compelling and engaging
— In two languages: Mandarin and English
— The projection can either be a STILL or in MOVEMENT
— You can introduce external elements to your poster (installation)
— Does not have to be projected flat on a wall
— Carefully curate and select images (make coherent series), if any
— Does not have to be rectangular
— Consider thoroughly the shape of your poster
— Consider thoroughly the location of your poster
— Insert all practical information in your poster
— Consider the font combinations you are making
— Chosen font families that stem from the Bauhaus should be authentic, or verified