This is class is a workshop. Most of the work will be done in class and at home. This class involves several discussions between the students and the instructor.
In this workshop, you will explore the conceptualization of a small publication composed of found images and will ponder on how to plan its production. Through exposés, exercises and lectures, you will survey the current state of art book design and study how these objects are produced and disseminated into the world. A short project of publication of ‘found images’ will help you strengthening AN IDEA over the curation of a serialized set of imagery.
Having completed Freshman and Sophomore graphic design cursus at HNNU.
4 credits
Required Materials
Laptop: preferably a Macbook
Adobe InDesign software
Easy access to a laser printer
Electronic mouse
Digital storage device
VPN account
Non permanent tape
Double-sided tape
Metal ruler
Large 45 deg and 60 deg set squares
* X-acto knife and blades
* Cutting mat
* Bone folder (折纸工具)
* Variety of white cardstock and papers
* White book-binding thread, thin
* Needle to fit the thread
* PVA Glue (White book-binding glue)
Attend to all classes is essential. Un-excused absences will result in faults to the participation evaluation. Keep me updated if you need to miss class. In any case, the students are responsible for being up-to-date. Being late will be perceived the same way.
You will be evaluated according to your overall engagement in the projects (90%). Your active participation (10%) during the semester will also be taken in account.